Welcome to a place of understanding,

empowerment, and transformation.

I am Estelle Rose, author of "Empowered Women with ADHD", “The Empowering ADHD Workbook for Women” and "Brain-Boosting Food for Women with ADHD," and a passionate advocate for women with… [wait for it], ADHD!

While my journey into the world of ADHD began with my own late diagnosis, I have spent years of self-improvement exploration across various disciplines including behavioral therapies, mindfulness, and nutrition. This exploration wasn’t academic; it was deeply personal. I sought to understand and master my own ADHD, not just to cope, but to thrive. Along this transformative path, I became a certified coach and a practitioner of both Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

Through my books and coaching, I aim to offer what I once needed: understanding, effective strategies, and a guide through the often-misunderstood world of ADHD in women. My approach is rooted in empathy, fueled by my firsthand experiences, and enriched by my professional training. 

Why My Coaching Could Be Your Missing Puzzle Piece

While medication and organizational strategies are important, they often don’t address the core transformations many women with ADHD need. My coaching fills this gap. It focuses on the deep, internal changes that are essential for truly thriving with ADHD. This transformation is about more than managing symptoms; it’s about rewriting the script.

You could spend decades figuring it out on your own, or you could accelerate your journey with a dedicated coach who understands exactly what you're going through.  And for some of you, that perfectly fitting coach is me!

How We Can Work Together

While there is currently a waiting list for one-on-one coaching, there are several ways you can begin your transformation today:

1. Read My Books:

Start with "Empowered Women with ADHD," move on to “The Empowering ADHD Workbook for Women,” and deepen your understanding of nutrition with "Brain-Boosting Food for Women with ADHD.” You will gain an understanding of the condition, practical tips to improve your daily life, and a good start on your transformation.

2. Take My Free Mini-Course:

Sign up and start infusing calm and clarity into your life.

3. Join the Waiting List for the Empowered ADHD Club:

If you don’t want to wait for 1-on-1, or are looking for more accessible options, sign up for my group coaching program's waiting list.

Every woman’s journey with ADHD is unique, but you don’t have to navigate yours alone. I am here to provide the knowledge and tools you need to not just manage your ADHD, but to turn it into one of your greatest assets.