Just a note: 1-on-1 coaching is a radical commitment to your growth. It is currently $6k for a 3 months program. Spaces are scarce but profoundly transformative. To join the waiting list, you can apply HERE.

If you're not quite ready for one-on-one coaching or prefer not to wait, consider joining my group programs, reading my books, or even taking my free mini-course


Sometimes, even the best books and brain-boosting diet aren’t quite enough to bring about the transformation you need to live a fulfilling life.

Clarity in Your Goals

Dive deep into your aspirations and refine your life's objectives. Coaching helps clarify your vision, ensuring that every step you take is aligned with your ultimate life goals.

Enhanced Decision Making

Gain insights and perspectives that refine your decision-making skills. With a clear mind, you're equipped to make choices that positively impact your life and the lives of those around you.

Breakthrough Personal Barriers

Identify and overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back. Coaching sessions help you confront fears, break down barriers, and instill confidence.

Improved Productivity and Motivation

Learn strategies to boost your productivity and maintain high motivation. Guidance helps you establish routines and habits tailored for YOU to propel you towards your goals.

Greater Emotional Intelligence

Develop a deeper understanding of your emotions and how they influence your thoughts and actions. Enhance your relationships both professionally and personally by cultivating empathy and communication skills.

Ongoing Support and Accountability

Develop a deeper understanding of your emotions and how they influence your thoughts and actions. Enhance your relationships both professionally and personally by cultivating empathy and communication skills.


This journey isn't about doing more; it's about living a more intentional life. You'll transform and reach your goals without burnout.

As a certified life coach with unique expertise in ADHD and tools from DBT to EFT, I can help you navigate this transformation quickly and meaningfully.

Straight talking

Working with me will be challenging, and might feel uncomfortable at times. That's because we often need to face tough issues to discover our true strengths. But I will be here to ensure you feel safe and supported as we tackle the messy, untouched parts of your life—the areas filled with grief, sadness, and frustration. We'll have fun along the way too, promise!

This isn’t about dwelling on the past

It's about allowing your true feelings to emerge and moving past them toward emotional balance and fulfillment


  • Develop a profound connection with yourself and gain self-awareness. In essence, you’ll feel like you’ve found your true self.

  • Feel seen and validated like never before.

  • Craft a self-care strategy that is both achievable and sustainable, setting the stage for more significant changes.

  • Align your goals and daily life with your unique brain and pick up the tools you need to make it work.

  • Fall in love with yourself, learn to honor your needs, and communicate with calm and confidence.


1-on-1 coaching with me is a significant investment in your future—$6,000 for 3 months of comprehensive support.

Once you submit your application, I'll review it and get in touch to discuss if we're a good fit. 

If it's not the right time for one-on-one coaching, you might consider one of my group programs.

Make sure your contact details are correct when applying, and add our email to your contact list to avoid missing out due to email filters.


If you're ready to take the first step towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life, Let me guide you through a transformative journey where you'll emerge stronger, more aware, and with a clear path toward success.